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Default Zoom + "Fit to width"

Instead of showing the whole design at once (zoomed out), you would love for certain designs to be zoomed in to e.g. "fit width of asset". So for example, for websites, you can default it to fit the width of the website. Is that what you had in mind? For instance, when I uploaded a design from the Figma plugin, it displayed by default at only 13% of its size. It’s a landing desktop page. The first thing my team noticed was the default zoom level, and I imagine clients will feel the same way. The bias is that people here are used to our design hub which uses the viewport width. As for the viewport width zoom by default /  optional, it could beneficial to leave the ultimate choice to the user and display the level of zoom like you do currently. The most common feedback when the user leave at browser window width tends to be about increasing the font size on desktop websites - where the real issue is the zoom level. Requester: Simeon

Will Taylor 4 months ago